Monday, June 4, 2007


How hard could it possibly be to write a para of prose everyday about anything and everything. It appears that I have a very large canvass to work with. Unfortunately I'm not feeling at my verbose best now, which knowing me is saying something. I had so many ideas the other night which all seem too insignificant or plain dumb to express and display for the whole world (if it ever stumbled across my blog...) to judge. Why is it that the best ideas always seem to come to you when you are about to sleep? I always feel too lazy to write anything down at 2am in the morning when my eyes finally decide to shut. But to my distress I always forget about those brainwaves in the morning. Sometimes, I come up with the dumbest idea when I'm just about to fall asleep. Like if I was worrying about how I liked someone and how I wanted to know if they felt the same way I would come up with an idea to sing a ballad under their window in an unintentionally off-tune voice (a cliche, I know. But one that requires a lot of courage!). If the person in question liked me then they wouldn't mind my bad voice. They would get tears in their eyes just at the thought that someone out there cares about them enough to even try such a stunt...or so i hope. At 2 in the morning such an idea always seems to me to be brilliant and foolproof. In the morning however I feel so foolish that I hope that no one can read my thoughts. I've never been able to understand how I remember the goofy stuff but always forget the sophisticated intelligent stuff...
Anyway, I'm done talking about nothing for today. I hope I have more to say tomorrow. Till my next post...


toadstools said...
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Unknown said...

so bring on the goofy stuff

Shivani_bail said...

Hmmm...tempting. I'll need to buy some courage first.

Unknown said...

doesnt being anonymous help?

P.C.Shivan said...

Hey..I can relate to that!! I've lost countless tunes at 2 am!! I would wake up from sleep with amazing tunes still running in my head, but then I would somehow convince myself to dump all of that just for this silly "luxury" of sleep!! :-P Nice to know I have company :)